A Catalogue of Chinese Taels

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N.Nevsky  "Kitaiskie Lany-taeli I Chasti Ih", "Trudy Gosudarstevennogo Ermitazha", Leningrad, 1981, tom XXI, s.171-185 

N.Nevsky. "A Catalogue of Chinese Taels" (prepared for publication and introduced by N. Ivochkina), in: "Proceedings of the State Hermitage", Leningrad, 1981, Vol. XXI, Numismatics, 5, pp.171-185, 8 photo tables, in Russian

This catalogue is known consisting of the main collection of silver taels in the Numismatics Department of the Hermitage which was compiled by the distinguished Russian orientalist N.Nevsky at the beginning of the XXth century. It covers 71 specimens (The entire Hermitage collection of sycee is about 600 pieces). The Chinese silver-made accounting ingots as illustrated dating from the nineteenth century comprise both intact specimens (weighing from 2 kgs to several grammes) and cut silver pieces.

 Information provided by Dr. Belyaev Vladimir

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