Hubei 50 Tael Boat #1

wpe1.jpg (112215 個位元組)No. Hb50/1


Weight: 1842 grams/50 taels


Date: 1702 A.D.


Inscriptions: 襄陽縣/康熙四十一年分??銀五十兩/銀匠毛?成

Hsiang Yang County

The 41st Year of Kangsi...Silver 50 Taels

Silversmith Mao ..Chen




The only found 50 tael boat dated a year of the Kangsi Reign, for the time being.

Collection of the webmaster

More information 

Hubei.jpg (467205 個位元組)No. Hb50/2


Weight: 1850 grams/50 taels


Date: 1879 A.D.


Inscriptions: 襄陽衛/光緒五年/五月/公濟益

Hsiang Yang Settlement

The 5th Year of Kuang Hsu

The 5th Month

Gong Ji Yi (Silver Bank)




衛 "Wei": Military Settlement.  Hsiang Yang Wei was outlawed and combined into Hsiang Yang County in the 28th year of Kuang Hsu (1902) 

Collection of the webmaster

wpe1E.jpg (10068 個位元組)No. Hb50/3


Weight: 50 taels


Date: 1903 A.D.


Inscriptions: 石首縣/光緒二十九年/十二月/官錢局

Shi So County

The 29th Year of Kuang Hsu

The 12th Month

Official Monetary Bureau



Collection of Chang Huei Hsin

wpe1C.jpg (20273 個位元組)No. Hb50/4


Weight: 50 taels


Date: 1881 A.D.


Inscriptions: 興國州/光緒七年/三月/鹽課

Hsin Kuo District

The 7th Year of Kuang Hsu

The 3rd Month

Salt Tax



Collection of Chang Huei Hsin

wpe1A.jpg (14197 個位元組)No. Hb50/5


Weight: 50 taels


Date: 1886 A.D.


Inscriptions: 江漢關/光緒十二年/協成號匠蔡鳴

Jiang Han Customs (Hangkow)

The 12th Year of Kuang Hsu

Hsieh Chen Firm, Smith Tsai  Ming



Collection of Chang Huei Hsin

wpe3.jpg (15766 個位元組)No. Hb50/6


Weight: 50 taels


Date: 1908 A.D.


Inscriptions:  蘄水縣/光緒三十四年/八月/王恒泰

Chi Sui County

The 34th Year of Kuang Hsu

The 8th Month

Wang Heng Tai (The smith)



Collection of Lisa and Dan Malloy

wpe6.jpg (12272 個位元組)No. Hb50/7


Weight: 50 taels


Date: 1886 A.D.


Inscriptions: 海防捐局/光緒十二年/二月/公濟益

Naval Defense Donation Bureau*

The 12th Year of Kuang Hsu 

The 2nd Month

Gong Ji Yi (Silver Bank)




For the purpose of establishing the Bei-Yang (Chili) Fleet to fight against foreign powers, a fund raising was conducted in the name of donation, however the proceeds were eventually shifted to construct Empress Tsu Hsi's Yi-Ho Garden under her command. That luxurious royal garden was burned down by the foreign troops during the Boxer rebellion in 1900.

Collection of Chang Huei Hsin

wpe1.jpg (61798 個位元組)No. Hb50/8


Weight: 50 taels


Date: 1882 A.D.


Inscriptions: 江漢關/光緒八年/有成號匠羅芝


Jiang Han Customs (Hangkow)

The 8th Year of Kuang Hsu

Yo Chen Firm, Smith Ro Tse



Collection of Hu Chun Chung

No. Hb50/9

Weight: 50 taels


Date: 1879 A.D.


Inscriptions: 廣濟縣/光緒年/五月/大興

Kuang Ji County

The 5th Year of Kuang Hsu

The 5th Month

Smith Da Xing



Collection of Hu Chun Chung

No. Hb50/10

Weight: 50 taels


Date: 1879 A.D.


Inscriptions: 沔陽州/光緒年/五月/公濟益

Meng Yang District

The 5th Year of Kuang Hsu

The 5th Month

 Gong Ji Yi (Silver Bank)



Collection of Hu Chun Chung


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