Hunan 50 Tael Boat
Weight: 50 taels
Date: 1909-1911 A.D.
Inscriptions: 湖南/官錢局/宣統年月/宣統年月
Hunan Official Monetary Bureau
Hsuang Tung Year Month
Also called "Tortoise"
Collection of Chang Huei Hsin
Weight: 1872 grams/50 taels
Date: 1862-1874 A.D.
Inscriptions: 湘潭縣/湘潭縣/同治年月/同治年月
Hsiang Tang County
Tong Tze Year Month
Also called "Tortoise"
Collection of Hu Chun Chung
Weight: 1820 grams/50- taels
Date: N/A
Inscriptions: 湘 南爐行/湘南爐行
Hsiang Nan Furnace Shop
Collection of Hu Chun Chung
Weight: 50 taels
Date: 1906 A.D.
Inscriptions: 湘 省包介/光緒三十二年/三月/裕順長
Hunan Province Bao Jie District
The 32nd Year of Kuang Hsu
The 3rd Month
Yu Soon Chang (Silver shop)
Seen in trade
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