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wpe25.jpg (45832 個位元組)Op/1     A Contract Documenting a Fund Raising  in 1840


"Huei" was a popular type of Chinese fundraising activity, which continues today.


According to this contract, the initiator of this "Huei" collected 50 taels of Custom Silver in the 94 Scale from each of the other 5 members who joined the Huei. It was agreed that at the 11th month of each of the following 5 years, the initiator shall repay 60 taels of silver in the same fashion to be evenly shared by the 5 members.


This contract dates from the 8th month, the 20th year of Tao Kuang (1840)  

wpe27.jpg (14914 個位元組)Op/2    A Deposit Slip in 1903 


This slip acknowledges the deposit of 3,000 taels of silver in the Remittance Scale by Tong Chin Feng Firm in Yunnan, bearing a monthly interest rate of 0.9%.


Issued by Duan Tong Bao Firm at the 15th day, the 9th month, the 29th year of Kuang Hsu (1903)

wpe1.jpg (191173 個位元組)Op/3  A Contract on Fund Raising in 1848, Based on Spanish Colonial Dollars


This contract is for a private loan of 200 Principal Foreign Dollar, i.e., Spanish colonial Portrait Dollars, issued in the 28th year of Tao Kuang (1848). It is indicated that a monthly interest rate of 1.4% is applied and payable at every following season.


At that time, the Portrait Dollars had not been minted for more than 20 years, but because of their accepted status as a principal currency, they were still in wide demand by the Chinese.

wpe3.jpg (35560 個位元組)Op/4     A Contract on a Fund Raising in 1884


According to this contract, the initiator of this "Huei" received a total of 100 taels of fine silver in the Cao Scale from the other 6 members who joined the Huei. It was agreed that on the 10th day, 4th month of each of the following 6 years, the initiator would repay 20 taels of silver in the same fashion to be evenly shared by the 6 members.


This contract was made in the 4th month, the 10th year of Kuang Hsu (1884)

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