Official Public Assayer's 官公估

No. O-D-1     

Weight: 176 grams/5- taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 源瑞祥記/匯號紋銀

Yuan Rei Hsiang Firm

Remittance Bank's Fine Silver

Assaying chops: 官公估同看/官公估同看

Official Public Assayers All Checked

Chopmarks:  鄭記

Zhen Firm


Collection of the webmaster

No. O-D-2     

Weight: 202 grams/5+ taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 福興佘記/匯號紋銀

Fu Hsin Ser Firm

Remittance Bank's Fine Silver

Assaying chops: 官公估佘看/公估商看訖

Official Public Assayer Ser Looked

Public Assaying Firm Checked


Collection of the webmaster

No. O-D-3     

Weight: 190 grams/5+ taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 福興慶記/匯號紋銀

Fu Hsin Ching Firm

Remittance Bank's Fine Silver

Assaying chops: 官公估佘看/官公估佘看

Official Public Assayer Ser Looked

Chopmarks: 福興

Fu Hsin


Collection of the webmaster

No. O-D-4     

Weight: 182 grams/5 taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 萬全李記/匯號紋銀

Wan Chuan Li Firm

Remittance Bank's Fine Silver

Assaying chops: 官局公估李看/官局公估李看

Official Bureau Public Assayer Li Looked


Collection of the webmaster

No. O-D-5     

Weight: 192 grams/5+ taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 福興慶記/匯號紋銀

Fu Hsin Ching Firm

Remittance Bank's Fine Silver

Assaying chops: 官公估佘看訖/官公估佘看訖

Official Public Assayer Ser Checked


The assaying chop "官公估佘看訖"(Official Public Assayer Ser Checked) hereof is the 1st time we find pressed on a Type O-D or any Saddle of outside Kunmin City. Even though, this assaying chop is assumed to be used by 佘福興(Ser Fu Hsin) who was an owner of a silver shop and a few branches in outside Kunming City, and simultaneously acted as an assayer assaying Saddle mostly cast by his own firms and few cast by others. O-D-2 and O-D-3 are both cast by his firms, but their assaying chops are  官公估佘看(Official Public Assayer Ser Looked) and 公估商看訖 (Public Assaying Firm Checked), all of which are different from the one in point.

The assaying chop "官公估佘看訖"(Official Public Assayer Ser Checked) was also commonly acknowledged as exclusively used in Kunming City on Type I-D,  and I-D-5 is an example, it has been the case until we found this O-D specimen. However, in the case of Type I-D with this assaying chop, the assayer "佘" as indicated on the chop represents 佘慶盛 (Ser Ching Shen), instead of 佘福興(Ser Fu Hsin) as abovementioned.

Rarely we can find this assaying chop stamped on a Type O-D, one major reason could be that it may lead to confusion and was forced to abandonment soon.          

Collection of the webmaster

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