Shaansi Groove #3

wpeB.jpg (32215 個位元組)No. Sas4-6/21


Weight: 4 taels


Date: N/A


Inscriptions: 十五年/臨潼/張發

The 15th Year  

Ling Tung (County)  

Chang Fa (The smith)



Collection of Hu Chun Chung

wpe1.jpg (40007 個位元組)No. Sas4-6/22


Weight: 4 taels


Date: N/A


Inscriptions: 漢中府/厘金局

Han Zhong Prefecture 

Li Tax Bureau



Collection of Hu Chun Chung

wpe1.jpg (66926 個位元組)No. Sas4-6/23


Weight: 4 taels


Date: 1907 A.D.


Inscriptions: 丁未/朝邑/薛順

Year of Ding Wei (The 33rd Year of Kuang Hsu)

Chao District 

Hsue Shun (The smith)



Seen in trade

wpe1.jpg (59631 個位元組)No. Sas4-6/24


Weight: 3 taels/112 grams


Date: N/A


Inscriptions: 陜西/信德銀爐

Shaansi (Province)

Hsin Der Silver Furnace 



Most existing Shaansi Grooves are inscribed with the name of a county, but this rare piece is one of few known examples which bear the name of Shaansi Province. Based on the scarcity of this inscription (Name of Province + Name of Silversmith), it can be assumed that it was used in Shaansi at an early date for only a short period of time. This type of inscription was later adopted by Gansu Grooves.     


Collection of the webmaster

wpe1.jpg (36846 個位元組)No. Sas4-6/25


Weight: 3.3 taels/120 grams


Date: N/A


Inscriptions: 司庫/趙林

Treasury of Provincial Board of Revenues (of Shaansi)

Zhao Lin (The smith) 

Chopmarks: 太乙


Tai Yi (Name of a Taoist fairy)  




Usually, the treasury of a provincial board of revenue was founded to store and safeguard those tax silver submitted to the board by local governments, and casting sycee was not part of its mission. This piece shown above, which indicates that it was cast by the Treasury of Shaansi Board of Revenue, is the only known example of this type. This unusual treasury cast silver is assumed to be gathered and recast by the treasury from either odd pieces among submitted tax silver to streamline the weights of treasury silver, or from those with insufficient silver content to meet the official fineness standard.  


Collection of the webmaster

No. Sas4-6/26


Weight: 130 grams/4- taels


Date: N/A


Inscriptions: 三年/蒲城/地丁

The 3rd Year

Pu Cheng County 

Land & Poll Tax



Collection of Hu Chun Chung

No. Sas4-6/27


Weight: 160 grams/4+ taels


Date: N/A


Inscriptions: 西安省/永盛高

Si An, the Provincial Capital

Yong Shen Gao (Silver bank)



Collection of Hu Chun Chung

No. Sas4-6/28


Weight: 4 taels


Date: 1911 A.D.


Inscriptions: 辛亥年/三原/李興

The Celestial Year Xin Hai

Shan Yuan (County)

Li Xing (The smith)



Collection of Hu Chun Chung

No. Sas4-6/29


Weight: 4 taels


Date: N/A


Inscriptions: 郃陽/康永

Ho Yang (County)

Kang Yong (Silver bank)



Collection of Hu Chun Chung

No. Sas4-6/30


Weight: 4 taels


Date: N/A


Inscriptions: 三原縣/劉忠成

San Yuan County

Liu Zhong Cheng (The smith)



Collection of Hu Chun Chung



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