Shaansi 50 Tael

wpe1.jpg (105698 個位元組)No. Sas50/1

Weight: 1758 grams/47 taels

Date: 1864 A.D.

Inscriptions:  渭南德盛/同治三年/同治三年

Wei Nan (County) Der Shen (Silver Bank)

The 3rd Year of Tong Ze


Shaansi Province was a poor and underdeveloped area during the Ching Dynasty, and 50 tael sycee were rarely cast. In the 1st year of Tong Ze (1862), a serious Muslim rebellion engulfed most the region and lasted for years, with the result that much of the population fled or was killed, and the Shaansi economy was badly crippled. This specimen, from the 3rd year of Tong Ze (1864), dates from the period of the rebellion and has a special historical value, since it is the earliest known 50 tael boat cast in this province.

Collection of the webmaster

wpe1.jpg (51448 個位元組)No. Sas50/2

Weight: 50 taels

Date: 1912-1933 A.D.

Inscriptions: 民國年月日/府谷縣/恒元永  

The Republic of China Year Month Day

Fu Gu County, Heng Yuan Yong (Silver bank)


The 6th Shaansi 50 tael Boat known to exist

Collection of Tony Ma

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