Shandong 50 Tael Boat

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Weight: 50 taels


Date: 1909-1911 A.D.


Inscriptions: 齊東縣/宣統年月/匠張連山

Chi Dong County

Hsuan Tung Year Month

Smith Chang Lian San


Collection of Chang Huei Hsin

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Weight: 50 taels


Date: 1909-1911 A.D.


Inscriptions: 東海關/宣統年月/匠魯協中

Dong Hai Guan (The Shandong Maritime Customs)

Hsuan Tung Year Month

Smith Lu Hsieh Zhong


Collection of Chang Huei Hsin

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Weight: 1800 grams/49- taels


Date: 1909-1911 A.D.


Inscriptions: 泰安/宣統年月/順昌銀爐

Tai Ann (County)

Hsuan Tung Year Month

Smith Soon Chang Furnace


Collection of Hu Chun Chung

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Weight: 1890 grams/50+taels


Date: 1909-1911 A.D.


Inscriptions: 長清縣/宣統年月/丰泰銀爐

Chang Ching County

Hsuan Tung Year Month 

Feng Tai Silver Furnace 


Collection of the webmaster

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Weight: 50 taels


Date: 1875-1908 A.D.


Inscriptions: 平度州/光緒年月/石作人

Ping Du Prefecture

Kuang Hsu Year Month 

Shi Zho Jen (The smith)


Collection of Tony Ma

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Weight: 50 taels


Date: 1875-1908 A.D.


Inscriptions: 觀城縣/同德銀爐/同德銀爐

Guan Cheng County

Tong De Silver Furnace


Collection of Hu Chun Chung

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Weight: 50 taels


Date: 1875-1908 A.D.


Inscriptions: 東海關/光緒年月/匠魯協中

Dong Hai Guan (The Shangdong Maritime Customs)

Kuang Hsu Year Month

Smith Lu Hsieh Zhong


Collection of Hu Chun Chung

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Weight: 1870 grams/50+taels


Date: 1912 A.D.


Inscriptions: 東海關/壬子年月/匠魯協中

Dong Hai Guan (The Shangdong Maritime Customs)

Zhen Ze Year Month

Smith Lu Hsieh Zhong

Chopmarks: 義勝/符

Yi Shen (Name of a silver shop who had handled this sycee)

Fu (Matched, or a last name)


The celestial year Zhen Ze, i.e., The 1st year of the Republic of China or 1912 AD.


Collection of the webmaster

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Weight: 50 taels


Date: 1875-1908 A.D.


Inscriptions: 平原縣/光緒年月/光緒年月

Ping Yuan County

Kuang Hsu Year Month


Seen in trade

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