Shansi 50 Tael Boat #1

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Weight: 1825 grams/50- tael


Date: 1821-1850 A.D.


Inscriptions: 道光年月日/鳳臺縣/雙和公

Fong Tai County

Tao Kuang Year Month Day

Swan Ho Gong (Silver Bank)

Chopmarks: 永/正

Yong (Eternity)

Zhen (Righteousness)


Collection of the webmaster

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Weight: 1836 grams/50 taels


Date: 1851-1861 A.D.


Inscriptions: 咸豐年囍月/平遙縣/趙萬公

Hsien Feng Year (Happiness)  Month

Ping Yiao County

Zhao Wan Gong (Silver Bank)


Collection of the webmaster

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Weight: 1850 grams/50 tael


Date: 1867 A.D.


Inscriptions: 同治陸年月/祁縣/武培芳

Tong Ze, 6th Year Month

Chi County, Wu Pei Fang (The smith)

Chopmarks: 鏡寶/長

Jin Bao (Mirror-Like Treasure)

Symbol of Bat

Chang (Long)


Collection of the webmaster

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Weight: 1886 grams/50+ taels


Date: 1877 A.D.


Inscriptions: 光緒三年六月/陵川縣/佘永卿

Kuang Hsu 3rd Year 6th Month

Lin Chuan County, Ser Yong Chin (The smith)

Chopmarks: 山西省京餉

Capital Ration from Shansi Province


Collection of the webmaster

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Weight: 50 tael


Date: 1911 A.D.


Inscriptions: 宣統三年三月/太平縣/李德興

Hsuan Tung 3rd Year 3rd Month

Tai Ping County, Li Der Hsin (The smith)




Collection of Chang Huei Hsin

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Weight: 50 tael


Date: 1912-1914 A.D.


Inscriptions: 中華民國年元月/太谷縣/謙源勝

The Republic of China Year, the 1st Month

Tai Ku County Chien Yuan Shen (Silver bank)

Chopmarks: 週行鏡寶/盛

Generally circulated Mirror-Like Treasure


Collection of Chang Huei Hsin

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Weight: 50 tael


Date: 1909-1911 A.D.


Inscriptions: 宣統年德月/祁縣/晉盛號

Hsuan Tung Year (Virtue) Month

Chi County, Jin Shen Firm

Chopmarks: 鏡寶

Jin Bao (Mirror-like Treasure)


Jin Bao: An assaying chopmark indicating the assayed silver is in the finest purity circulated in Shansi 

Collection of Chang Huei Hsin

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Weight: 50 tael


Date: 1875-1908 A.D.


Inscriptions: 光緒年月/忻州/天順成

Kuang Hsu Year Month

Hsin Prefecture, Tien Soon Chen (Silver bank)

Chopmarks: 公行/鏡寶

Gong Hsing

Jin Bao


Gong Hsing: Publicly Circulated. An assaying chopmark indicating the best silver fineness circulated in certain areas in Shansi


Collection of Chang Huei Hsin

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Weight: 1872 grams/50+ taels


Date: 1821-1850 A.D.


Inscriptions: 道光年信月/太谷縣/義崇泰

Tao Kuang Year (Hsin: Faith) Month

Tai Kuo County, Yi Chun Tai (Silver Bank)

Chopmarks: 參/公行

San (Three) 

Gong Hsin (Publicly Circulated)


San: Three. Number of the furnace used.

According to historical documents, the assaying chopmarks of "Gong Hsin" and "Jin Bao" can both be found as early as the Tao Kuang period
(1821-1850). This specimen assayed with a chopmark of "Gong Hsin"  dates to that early stage


Collection of Tony Ma

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Weight: 1886 grams/50+ tael


Date: 1912-1914 A.D.


Inscriptions: 中華民國年丙月/山西官錢局

The Republic of China Year "Bin" Month

Shansi Official Monetary Bureau

Chopmarks: 週行鏡寶

Generally circulated Mirror-Like Treasure


Collection of Hu Chun Chung


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