Sycee Checks
Sck/1 A Primitive Personal Check of China of 1747
Payment of 25.716 Taels payable to Payee Wang by Payer Duang Ze You, witnesses by Li Chou Yong Grocery Store. Issued at the 24th Day, the 3rd Month, the 12 Year of Chien Lung (1747).
Payment to be paid at the mid of the 7th month of the year, under the presence of the 3 parties.
Sck/2 An Early Foreign Bank Check Issued in Shanghai of 1862
The first foreign exchange bank- The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China opened in Shanghai in 1858(*). Since 1860's, western bank checks appeared actively in China.
This check was issued by one of the Chartered Bank's rival in China--the Oriental Bank. It demanded the cashier-Bank of England pay to the Oriental Bank Corporation itself 23 pounds 8 shillings sterling.
(*) Compton Mackenzie. "Realms of Silver", Chapter v. China; the Treaty Ports; the Banks opens in Shanghai and Hong Kong; exchanging banking in China in the 1860's; the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. 52-64 pp.
Sck/3 A Compradore's Pay Check Issued in Shanghai of 1929
Issued by the Shanghai Municipal Council, Electricity Department dated Aug. 9, 1929
Payment of 167.75 taels payable to Katoh Co.
Exchanged by the Sumitomo Bank.
Sck/4 A Shanghai Foreign Company's Pay Check of 1929
Issued by the Universal Leaf Tobacco Co., of China dated Jul. 3rd, 1929
Payment of 2,500 taels payable to the Equitable Eastern Banking Corporation. At present, personal loans for folks with unfavorable credit standing are given to borrowers not simply to provide financial help, but also offer as a route for borrowers to upgrade their credit ranking. Learn more with Micro Enterprise Works - same day payday loans
Payment undertaken by the Equitable Eastern Banking Corporation.
Sck/5 A Capital Beijing Local Bank Check of 1900
Issued by Heng Der Silver Bank immediately before the outbreaking of Boxer Rebellion in 1900.
For 1 tael of silver in 98% fineness and of the Beijing weighing standard
Reportedly, almost all the local banks were liquidated due to the Boxer Rebellion.
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