Szechuan Submitted Silver to the Provincial Government

A kind of  tax silver, cast by local governments and submitted to the province. Because they were submitted, inscriptions of place, date and name of smith were made. According to the financial system of the Ching Dynasty, Szechuan was not required to provide rations or any financial aid from its local taxation to the imperial government, therefore, collected tax silver would eventually end up at the level of provincial government. As a result, no 50 tael pieces were cast. Since the type of tax they represented was not specified, these tax silver might have covered a range of tax payment.    

No. Sc10/2


Weight: 347 grams/9+ taels


Date: 1907 A.D.


Inscriptions: 新津縣/光緒三十三年/匠張恒益

Hsin Jin County

Kuang Hsu 33rd Year

Smith Chang Heng Yi


Collection of the webmaster

No. Sc10/13


Weight: 362 grams/10 taels


Date: 1895 A.D.


Inscriptions:  德陽縣/光緒二十一年/陽昇記

Der Yang County

Kuang Hsu 21st Year

Yang Shen Firm (Silver bank)


Collection of the webmaster

wpe1.jpg (45688 個位元組)No. Sc10/34


Weight: 349 grams/10- taels


Date: 1831 A.D.


Inscriptions: 道光十一年/稅課

The 11th Year of Tao Kuang

Tax Levy


The stamp of "Tax Levy" appeared on official sycee of the earlier Ching Dynasty and is a generic description of the source of revenue represented by the sycee. It is different from stamps used during later periods which show the specific source of the tax revenue, such as Land & Poll Tax, Donation, Subsidy, Salt Tax and so forth.  

Collection of Tony Ma

No. Sc10/25


Weight: 368 grams/10 taels


Date: 1835 A.D.


Inscriptions:  道光十五年/新津縣

Tao Kuang 15th Year

Hsin Jin County


Collection of the webmaster

No. Sc10/50

Weight: 10 taels


Date: 1874 A.D.


Inscriptions: 新都縣/同治拾三年

Xin Du County

The 13th Year of Tong Ze


Collection of Hu Chun Chung

No. Sc10/57

Weight: 366 grams/10 taels


Date: 1864 A.D.


Inscriptions: 遂寧縣/同治三年

Sui Ning County

The 3rd Year of Tong Ze


Collection of the webmaster

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