Xinjiang 50 Tael

No. Xj50/1

Weight: 1850 grams/50 taels

Date: 1875-1908 A.D.

Inscriptions: 光緒年造/新甡銀局

Kuang Hsu Year Month

Hsin Shen Silver Bank


Collection of Lisa and Dan Malloy

wpe29.jpg (14210 個位元組)No. Xj50/2

Weight: 50 taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 道驗

Dao Yen (Checked by District Government)

Turkish legends


Collection of Chang Huei Hsin

wpe1.jpg (109918 個位元組)No. Xj50/3

Weight: 1720 grams/46 taels

Date: 1912-1933 A.D.

Inscriptions: 錫盛銀局/民國年月

The Republic of China Year Month

Hsi Shen Silver Bank

Assaying chops: 道驗

Dao Yen (Checked by the District Government)


Collection of the webmaster

wpe3.jpg (16827 個位元組)No. Xj50/4

Weight: 1832 grams/50 taels

Date: 1922 A.D.

Inscriptions: 長生官銀樓/民國十一年

Chang Shen Official Silver Bank 

The 11th Year of the Republic of China 


Collection of Tony Ma

wpeA.jpg (8881 個位元組)No. Xj50/5

Weight: 1830 grams/50 taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 道驗

Chekced by the District Government

Turkish Legends


Collection of Lisa and Dan Malloy

wpe1.jpg (9452 個位元組)No. Xj50/6

Weight: 1920 grams/52 taels

Date: 1912-  A.D.

Inscriptions: 伊犁/綏定同利號/民國年月日

Yi Li (Prefecture)

Suei Ding* (County) Tong Li Firm

The Republic of China Year Month Day  


Suei Ding County is under the jurisdiction of Yi Li Prefecture. According to the inscriptions of the two place names, this piece is believed to have been an official silver of Yi Li which was cast by the silver shop "Tong Li Firm" in Suei Ding under the consignment of an official of Yi Li or an inferior government which submitted this silver to Yi Li.   

Collection of Hu Chun Chung

wpe7.jpg (81490 個位元組)No. Xj50/7

Weight: 50 taels

Date: 1926 A.D.

Inscriptions: 新疆伊甯/德生祥銀局/民國丙寅年

Xinjiang Yi Ning (County)

Der Shen Hsiang Silver Bureau

The Year of Bin Yin of the Republic of China


Collection of Hu Chun Chung 

No. Xj50/8

Weight: 1858 grams/50 taels

Date: 1925 A.D.

Inscriptions: 塔城/光華銀爐/民國乙丑

Ta Cheng (County)

Kuang Hua Silver Furnace

The Year of Yi Chou of the Republic of China


Collection of Hu Chun Chung 

No. Xj50/9

Weight: 50 taels

Date: 1925 A.D.

Inscriptions: 塔城/光華銀爐/民國乙丑

Ta Cheng (County)

Kuang Hua Silver Furnace

The Year of Yi Chou of the Republic of China


Collection of Hu Chun Chung 


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