Annual Salt Distribution Quota (ASDQ) in Szechuan, and a Salt Capital Piece Relating to ASDQ Cast by its Officials 




Weight: 398 grams/11- taels


Date: 1906 A.D.


Inscriptions: 邛州丙午鹽本

Chung District

Bin Wu (The celestial year Bin Wu, i.e., 1906)

Salt Capital


A reform of salt affairs in Szechuan took place in the 3rd year of Kuang Hsu. Accordingly, an annual salt distribution quota was set for each production area and market ("ASDQ").  ASDQ was reviewed and revised annually, and was renamed with the name of then current  celestial year.  This piece having the inscription of "丙午"(Bin Wu) was actually a name of ASDQ dating to that year, i.e., the 32nd year of Kuang Hsu or 1906 A.D., for the time being, it is the only surviving piece found relating to ASDQ.           

Also, according to that reform, the Szechuan officials undertook to pay the price of salt to manufacturers and transport it to merchants in each market. From the salt merchants, the officials were repaid for the costs and expenses of their entire service. This piece is also the only specimen of salt capital found cast by the officials as reimbursement to salt manufacturers. We learn from other salt capital pieces which were all cast by salt merchants that, in most cases, the officials were just by-passing them from the salt merchants to the salt manufacturers.         



398 克),應是四川仿傚兩淮推行綱鹽之制後所出現的鹽本實物。


11) ,因此官運鹽務局需先撥給灶戶鹽本以作為薪材油炭之費。

鹽本雖由官局所墊付,其來源終究是鹽商。據記載:「官運現收岸鹽價銀,仍照運平。較現九七平每百兩加四兩二錢是謂之『運平』。其發諸場商也。…由官運分局…於每百兩扣銀數分,取其整件高色,攙雜低色零件始以給諸灶商」(宣統二年十二月《蜀根》第十期,轉引《清代四川財政史料》下冊) 官運鹽務局在經手鹽本的過程,透過平色的操縱,獲取許多陋規。本件應是該局收自鹽商後為了支付予灶商所自行改鑄的鹽本銀。其造型頗有特色,重量亦較大,但成色確實稍遜一般。


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