Donation Certificates Issued by the Local Governments

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 Donation receipt and certificate issued by the Chekiang Salt and Tea Toll Tax General Bureau in the 2nd year of Tong Tze (1863) to the tea merchant Hung Li Da for the donation payment of 7.656 taels of silver for the shipment of tea weighed 1,276 Chinese catty. 

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Donation receipt issued by the Szechuan Commissioner of Justice, Board of Revenue, and Salt and Tea Management Department in the 6th year of Tong Tze (1867) to the taxpayer Liu Yu Fang who resided in Yi Bin County, Hsu Prefecture of Szechuan Province, for the donation payment of 0.96 tael of silver in the Ku (treasury) scale and the Ku purity standard.   

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Donation receipt and certificate issued by the commissioner of the Huei Jou Prefecture of Anhuei Province in the 12th year of Tong Tze (1873) to the tea merchant Yuan Shen for the donation payment of 0.6 tael of silver for the shipment of tea of 6 Ying*.

*Ying--Vendor's license for salt or tea. In China, tea and salt were both a business monopolized by the government, merchants had to pay license fee before purchasing them from producers. Each "Ying" (License), normally contains salt or tea weighed 400 Chinese catty for purchasing and resale. (1 Chiese catty is about 0.5 kg)

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