Jiangsu 50 Taels
Weight: 1865 grams/50 taels
Date: 1776 A.D.
Inscriptions: 陽湖縣/四十一年十一月/倪陞/直勯
(Chien Lung) The 41st Year
Yang Hu County, Ni Shen (The smith)
Chi Dang (Meaning unknown)
This is a rare 50 tael specimen of the early Ching Dynasty. Its inscriptions were all done by engraving which is different from other 50 taels of latter time which were inscribed by stamps.
Collection of Hu Chung Chung
Weight: 1842 grams/50 taels
Date: N/A
Inscriptions: 協泰豐/上海/柒
Hsieh Tai Feng (Silver bank)
Seven (Number of the furnace used)
Chopmarks: 臣/右
Chen (Royal servant), Chiang (Constant), Yo (Right), A symbol of "Crown"
A 50 tael Boat cast in the Foreign Concession after the 1843 Nanking treaty between the British and Ching government. Accordingly, Shanghai was forced to open as a free harbor.
A specimen cast in the Shanghai Foreign Concession, which could be cast under the consignment of a foreign bank.
Collection of the webmaster
Weight: 1865 grams/50 taels
Date: 1874 or 1887 A.D.
Inscriptions: 青浦縣/十三年十一月/倪德陞/錢志澄
(Tong Ze or Kuang Hsu) 13th Year 11th Month
Ching Pu County
Ni Der Shen (Official Sliversmith of the county)
Collection of the webmaster
Weight: 1858 grams/50 taels
Date: 1900 A.D.
Inscriptions: 泰亨豐記/光緒廿六年/俄國道勝銀行
Tai Heng Feng Firm
The 26th Year of Kuang Hsu
The Sino-Russo Asiatic Bank
Cast under the consignment of the Shanghai branch of the Sino-Russo Asiatic Bank
Collection of Hu Chun Chung
Weight: 50 taels
Date: 1906 A.D.
Inscriptions: 光緒三十二年十二月/兩淮京餉/豫興張泰
The 12th Month, 32nd Year of Kuang Hsu
Capital Ration from the Huai River Territory
Yu Hsin (Firm) Chang Tai (The smith)
Inscribed by engraving
Collection of C.F. Liu
Weight: 1862 grams/50 taels
Date: 1876 A.D.
Inscriptions: 光緒二年月/萃泰/和記
The 2nd Year, Month of Kuang Hsu
Tsui Tai (Furnace)
Ho Firm (Branch Furnace)
Collection of the webmaster
Weight: 50 taels
Date: 1775 A.D.
Inscriptions: 常熟縣/四十年十月/王裕/官劉沅
Chang Su County
The 10th Month, 40th Year (of Chien Lung)
Wang Yu (The smith)
Official Liu Yuan (Consigner)
Weight: 50 taels
Date: 1900 A.D.
Inscriptions: 道勝升記/光緒念六年/俄國道勝銀行
Dao Shen Shen Firm
The 26th Year of Kuang Hsu
The Sino-Russo Asiatic Bank
Counterstamp: 十
10th (the number of the furnace used)
Cast under the consignment of the Shanghai branch of the Sino-Russo Asiatic Bank
Weight: 50 taels
Date: 1777 A.D.
Inscriptions: 金匱縣/四十二年十二月/复宏裕/王
Gin Kuei County
The 12th Month, 42nd Year (of Chien Lung)
Fu Hong Yu (The smith)
Wang ? (Consigner)
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