Monthly Public Assayer's 記月公估

wpe17.jpg (20965 個位元組)No. O-M-1      

Weight: 170 grams/5- taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 王永盛號/腊月紋銀

Wang Yong Shen Firm

The 12th Month Fine Silver

Assaying chops: 公議看訖/公議看訖

Publicly Agreed, Checked


Collection of the webmaster

No. O-M-2      

Weight: 178 grams/5- taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 天瑞祥記/伍月紋銀

Tien Zuei Hsiang Firm

The 5th Month Fine Silver

Assaying chops: 公議紋銀記/公議紋銀記

Publicly Agreed Fine Silver's Remark


Collection of the webmaster

No. O-M-3      

Weight: 160 grams/4+ taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 王永盛號/柒月紋銀

Wang Yong Shen Firm

The 7th Month Fine Silver

Assaying chops: 永盛王記/永盛王記

Yong Shen Wang Firm


Collection of the webmaster

No. O-M-4      

Weight: 180 grams/5 taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 寶興公記/參月紋銀

Bao Xing Gong Firm

The 3rd Month Fine Silver

Assaying chops: 公議公估看訖/公議公估看訖  

Publicly Agreed Public Assayer Checked


The title "Publicly Agreed Public Assayer"(公議公估) was mainly used in Kunmin City for assaying Type I-A, it had also been resembled by the silver shops outside of Kunmin City for assaying their Type O-A which may be exemplified by O-A-12 , as well as Type O-M  which may be represented by this piece. But, all of these examples are extremely rare.

Collection of the webmaster

No. O-M-5      

Weight: 178 grams/5 taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 永利王記/正月紋銀

Yong Li Wang Firm

The 1st Month Fine Silver

Assaying chops: 公義三月紋銀記/公義三月紋銀記

Publicly Agreed, the 3rd Month Fine Silver's Remark


Two months are given on this piece, it is because of a deferral of remitted payment had been made by the remittance bank and the client.

Collection of the webmaster

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