Shandong 10 Tael Boat #2
Weight: 351 grams/10- taels
Date: 1909-1911 A.D.
Inscriptions: 禹城/宣統年月/匠陳榮甲
Yu Chen (County)
Hsuang Tung Year Month
Smith Cheng Zong Jia
Collection of Hu Chun Chung
Weight: 348 grams/10- taels
Date: 1909-1911 A.D.
Inscriptions: 平度州/宣統年月/夏道成
Ping Du District
Hsuan Tung Year Month
Shia Dao Chen (The smith)
Collection of Hu Chun Chung
Weight: 10 taels
Date: N/A
Inscriptions: 山東鹽課/李文漢
Shandong Salt Tax
Li Wen Han (The smith)
Collection of Hu Chun Chung
Weight: 10 taels
Date: N/A
Inscriptions: 元張朝
Yuan* Chang Chao (The smith)
Also named "One-Winged Boat".
According to the business types of different firms involving silver business, those firms in Shandong were classified into 4 classes:
Class 元 "Yuan" (The 1st Class)--Silver banks of the largest business scope among the 4 classes; running remittances, savings, exchanges and various monetary business.
Class 亨 "Hen" (The 2nd Class)-- Local silver banks with their business limited by locality.
Class 利 "Li" (The 3rd Class)--Local silver furnaces casting and supplying sycee for the firms in other classes.
Class 貞 "Zhen" (The 4th Class)-- Small grocery stores also running monetary exchange business.
The 4 words "Yuan", "Hen", "Li", "Zhen" were abstracted from an idiom of I-Ching.
Collection of Hu Chun Chung
Weight: 10 taels
Date: 1875-1908 A.D.
Inscriptions: 濟寧州/光緒年月/徐文灼
Ji Ning District
Kuang Hsu Year Month
Hsu Wen Tso (The smith)
Collection of Hu Chun Chung
Weight: 10 taels
Date: N/A
Inscriptions: 臨邑/鴻茂爐/鴻茂爐
Ling District
Hong Mao Furnace
Collection of Hu Chun Chung
Weight: 10 taels
Date: N/A
Inscriptions: 貞胡清
Zhen* Hu Ching (The smith)
Class 貞 "Zhen" (The 4th Class)-- Small grocery stores also running monetary exchange business.
Collection of Hu Chun Chung
Weight: 10 taels
Date: N/A
Inscriptions: 利王營
Li* Wang Ying (The smith)
Class 利 "Li" (The 3rd Class)-- Local silver furnaces casting and supplying sycee for the firms in other classes.
Collection of Hu Chun Chung
Weight: 10 taels
Date: N/A
Inscriptions: 貞定丙
Zhen* Ding Bin (The smith)
Class 貞 "Zhen" (The 4th Class)-- Small grocery stores also running monetary exchange business.
Seen in trade
Weight: 10 taels
Date: 1875-1908
Inscriptions: 光緒年月/德州/銀匠許延齡
Kuang Hsu Year Month
Der District
Silversmith Hsu Yen Ling
Collection of Hu Chun Chung
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