Shandong 10 Tael Boat #1

wpe1.jpg (89425 個位元組)No. Sd10/1


Weight:  376 grams/10 taels

Date: 1875-1908 A.D.

Inscriptions: 膠州/光緒年月/匠張在辰

Kiao Chou

Kuang Hsu Year Month

Smith Chang Zhai Chen


Collection of the webmaster

wpe1.jpg (94949 個位元組)No. Sd10/2


Weight:  321 grams/8+ taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 魚台/隆祥銀爐/隆祥銀爐

Yu Tai (County)

Long Hsiang Silver Furnace


Collection of the webmaster

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Weight:  10 taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 山東鹽課/裕盛公

Shandong Salt Tax

Yu Shen Gong (The smith)


Collection of Chang Huei Hsin

wpe6.jpg (105796 個位元組)No. Sd10/4


Weight:  400 grams/10+ taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 山東鹽課/李金城

Shandong Salt Tax

Li Jin Cheng (The smith)


Collection of the webmaster

wpeA.jpg (155280 個位元組)No. Sd10/5


Weight:  360 grams/10- taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 貞胡清

Zhen*  Hu Ching (The smith)


Also named "One-Winged Boat", unlike the preceding 4 pieces which were all official or tax silver, this was mainly cast for commercial use. Circulated not only in Shandong but also in Manchuria since many people emigrated from Shandong to Manchuria and brought this kind of sycee into that territory.


According to the business types of  different firms involving silver business, those firms in Shandong were classified into 4 classes:


Class "Yuan" (The 1st Class)--Silver banks of the largest business scope among the 4 classes; running remittances, savings, exchanges and various monetary business.  


Class "Hen" (The 2nd Class)-- Local silver banks with their business limited by locality.


Class "Li" (The 3rd Class)--Local silver furnaces casting and supplying sycee for the firms in other classes.


Class "Zhen" (The 4th Class)-- Small grocery stores also running monetary exchange business.    


The 4 words "Yuan", "Hen", "Li", "Zhen" were abstracted from an  idiom of  I-Ching.


Collection of the webmaster

No. Sd10/6


Weight:  380 grams/10+ taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 土藥局/協祥銀爐/協祥銀爐

Domestic Opium Tax Bureau

Hsieh Hsiang Silver Furnace


Collection of Hu Chun Chung 

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Weight:  10 taels

Date: 1875-1908 A.D.

Inscriptions: 恩縣/光緒年月/銀匠慶祥

An County

Kuang Hsu Year Month

Silversmith Ching Hsiang


Collection of Chang Huei Hsin

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Weight:  10 taels

Date: N/A

Inscriptions: 山東鹽課/尚光文

Shandong Salt Tax

Shan Kuang Wen (The smith)


Seen in trade

wpeB.jpg (37670 個位元組)No. Sd10/10  


Weight:  403 grams/11 taels

Date: 1875-1908 A.D.

Inscriptions: 禹城縣/光緒年月/匠陳榮甲

Yu Chen County

Kuang Hsu Year Month

Smith Cheng Zong Jia


Collection of Hu Chun Chung


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