Military Aid to the Frontier
Weight: 25 taels
Date: N/A
民字號 秤子 經榮 唐深
從事郎 永州司法參軍趙臬審
奉議郎通判永州司□州軍卓邦丘25 Taels of Silver to be Transported to Huai-Si (i.e., Huai-Nan West Road, the south bank of the Huai River-the border river between the Southern Sung and Jin regimes)
No. Ming, Weighers Jin Zong, Tang Shen
Chong-Xi Lang (Title of a low-ranking Civil official), Yong District Judicial Judge Zhao Nie Shen
Fong-Yi Lang (Title of a middle-Ranking Civil official), Yong District Judicial Officer ?? Zho Bang Chiu
According to the inscriptions, this silver was transported to Huai-Xi by local officials of Yongzhou (or Yong District), and Yong District was located in Jin-Hu South Road (Now Hubei and some neighboring areas) and Huai-Xi (Now Anhuei and some neighboring areas) was in Huai-Nan West Road where was the frontier for the Southern Sung government and was deployed numerous warriors. Across the Huai River, there was the territories of the Jin regime. This silver assumed to be a military aid funding by home front which is a rare type among other Southern Sung piece known to exist.
本件是永州地方官申解淮西的南宋時期銀鋌. 永州, 當時屬荊湖南路; 淮西, 為淮南西路之簡稱, 南宋治廬州(今合肥), 為宋金對峙時期的前線, 經常有戰役發生; 在當地駐防有地方武力淮西軍. 本件跨越行政區域申解的銀鋌, 推測應屬後方襄助前線的兵費, 可說是一種協餉. 這亦是存世宋鋌中所罕見的類型.
從事郎,官階名. 宋代, 總三十三階中, 排序二十七階.
奉議郎,官階名. 宋代, 總三十三階中, 排序十七階.
司法參軍,官職名. 知州下置有判官、推官、司理參軍、司法參軍等具體負責審判的官吏.案件通常是先由司理參軍審訊﹐傳集人證﹐調查犯罪事實﹔由司法參軍根據已經審得的事實﹐檢出應當適用的法規﹐評定應處的罪刑﹔再由判官或推官定罪量刑﹐作成判稿﹔最後由知州決定判詞、宣判.
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