Kuangsi Square Trough #2

wpe8.jpg (11660 個位元組)No. Ks10/11


Weight: 10 taels


Date: 1823 A.D.


Inscriptions:  富川縣/道光三年/五月日/江興泰

Fu Chuan County

Tao Kuang 3rd Year

The 5th Month, Day

Jiang Hsin Tai (The smith)


Collection of Chang Huei Hsin

No. Ks10/12


Weight: 10 taels


Date: 1874 A.D.


Inscriptions:  恭城縣/同治十三年/十二月日/魏裕豐

Gong Chen County

Tong Tze 13th Year

The 12th Month, Day

Wei Yu Feng (The smith)

Assaying chops: 魏元亨

Wei Yuan Hen (Assayer of the Province)


Collection of Chang Huei Hsin 

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Weight: 10 taels


Date: 1886 A.D.


Inscriptions:  源珍/光緒十二年/光緒十二年

Yuan Zhen (Silver Bank)

Kuang Hsu 12th Year

Assaying chops: 合記

Ho Firm


Collection of Chang Huei Hsin

wpe5.jpg (12800 個位元組)No. Ks10/14


Weight: 10 taels


Date: 1871 A.D.


Inscriptions:  祥珍/同治十年/同治十年

Hsiang Zhen (Silver Bank)

Tong Ze 10th Year

Assaying chops: 祥珍/萬昌

Hsiang Zhen

Wan Chang


Collection of Chang Huei Hsin

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Weight: 372 grams/10 taels


Date: N/A


Inscriptions:  全州

Chuan Jou (District)



An early type of Kuangsi Square Trough circulated during the late Ming and early Ching Dynasties. Its concave face, combining the features of Square and Boat, shows that it is a transition piece. Only few examples of this variety have been found    


Collection of Hu Chun Chung

wpe3.jpg (4907 個位元組)No. Ks10/16


Weight: 378 grams/10 taels


Date: 1888 A.D.


Inscriptions:  南甯府/光緒十四年/三月日/隆安縣

Kuang Hsu 14th Year 

The 3rd Month, Day 

Nan Ning Prefecture

Lung An County

Assaying chops: 盛泰來

Shen Tai Lai (Assayer of the Province)


Collection of Hu Chun Chung

No. Ks10/17


Weight: 408 grams/11 taels


Date: 1886 A.D.


Inscriptions:  全州/光緒十二年/十二月日/庫銀

Chuan Jou (District)

Kuang Hsu 12th Year

The 12th Month Day

Treasury Silver

Assaying chops: 金昌義

Jin Yi Chang (Assayer of the Province)

Collection of the webmaster

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Weight: 10 taels


Date: 1890 A.D.


Inscriptions: 潯州府/光緒十六年/十一月日/潯州府

Kuang Hsu 16th Year

11th Month Day

Shun Jou Prefecture

Shun Jou Prefecture

Assaying chops: 盛泰來

Shen Tai Lai (Assayer of the Province)


Collection of Lisa and Dan Malloy

wpe3.jpg (109161 個位元組)No. Ks10/19


Weight: 396 grams/10+ taels


Date: 1901 A.D.


Inscriptions:  象州/光緒二十七年/九月日/庫銀

Hsiang Jou (District)

Kuang Hsu 27th Year 

The 9th Month Day

Treasury Silver

Assaying chops: 李瑞和

Li Rei Ho (Assayer of the Province)


Collection of Hu Chun Chung

wpe1.jpg (62981 個位元組)No. Ks10/20


Weight: 412 grams/11 taels


Date: 1896 A.D.


Inscriptions: 蒼梧縣/光緒二十二年/二月日/庫銀


Chang Wu County

Kuang Hsu 22nd Year

The 2nd Month Day

Treasury Silver

Assaying chops: 以誠信

Yi Cheng Hsin (Assayer of the Province)


Collection of Hu Chun Chung


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