Kuangsi Square Trough #4

No. Ks10/31

Weight: 10 taels


Date: N/A


Inscriptions: 六月  日/梧州府/六月  日/江興泰

Wuzhou Prefecture

The 6th Month

Jiang Hsin Tai (the smith)


Collection of C.F. Liu 

No. Ks10/32

Weight: 10 taels


Date: 1890 A.D.


Inscriptions: 光緒十六年/藤縣/四月  日/萬祥豐/庫銀

The 16th Year of Kuang Hsu

Tern County

The 4th Month

Wang Hsiang Feng (the assayer)

Treasury Silver


Collection of C.F. Liu 

No. Ks10/33

Weight: 10 taels


Date: 1897 A.D.


Inscriptions: 光緒廿三年/宣化縣/六月  日/以誠信/庫銀

The 23rd Year of Kuang Hsu

Xuan Hua County

The 6th Month

Yi Chen Xing (the assayer)

Treasury Silver


Collection of C.F. Liu 

No. Ks10/34

Weight: 10 taels


Date: 1898 A.D.


Inscriptions: 光緒廿四年/全州/三月  日/以誠信/庫銀

The 24th Year of Kuang Hsu

Chuan District

The 3rd Month

Yi Chen Xing (the assayer)

Treasury Silver


Collection of C.F. Liu 

No. Ks10/35

Weight: 10 taels


Date: 1901 A.D.


Inscriptions: 光緒廿七年/懷遠縣/九月  日/李瑞和/庫銀

The 27th Year of Kuang Hsu

Huai Yuan County

The 9th Month

Li Ruei Ho (the assayer)

Treasury Silver


Collection of C.F. Liu 

No. Ks10/36

Weight: 10 taels


Date: 1904 A.D.


Inscriptions: 光緒三十年/青縣/十二月  日/郭月祥/庫銀

The 30th Year of Kuang Hsu

Ching County

The 12th Month

Kuo Yue Hiang (the assayer)

Treasury Silver


Collection of C.F. Liu 


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