Kuangsi Square Trough #3

wpe7.jpg (61711 個位元組)No. Ks10/21

Weight: 388 grams/10+ taels

Date: 1871 A.D.

Inscriptions: 平南縣/同治十二年/三月日/黃寶豐

Ping Nan County

Tong Ze 12th Year

The 3rd Month Day

Huang Bao Feng (Smith of the County)

Assaying chops: 黃邦泰

Huang Ban Tai (Assayer of the Province)


Collection of Hu Chun Chung 

wpe5.jpg (22914 個位元組)No. Ks10/22


Weight: 391 grams/10+ taels


Date: 1891 A.D.


Inscriptions: 賓州/光緒十七年/三月日/庫銀

Bin Jou (District)

Kuang Hsu 17th Year

The 3rd Month Day

Treasury Silver

Assaying chops: 萬祥豐

Wan Hsiang Feng (Assayer of the Province)


Collection of Hu Chun Chung

wpe1.jpg (32069 個位元組)No. Ks10/23


Weight: 376 grams/10 taels


Date: 1892 A.D.


Inscriptions: 靈川縣/光緒十八年/五月日/庫銀

Ling Chuan County

Kuang Hsu 18th Year

The 5th Month Day

Treasury Silver

Assaying chops: 萬祥豐

Wan Hsiang Feng (Assayer of the Province)


Collection of Hu Chun Chung

No. Ks10/24


Weight: 372 grams/10 taels


Date: 1873 A.D.


Inscriptions: 梧州府/同治年/ 日/魏裕豐

Wu Chou Prefecture

Tong Tze 12th Year

The 8th Month Day

Wei Yu Feng (The smith)

Assaying chops: 魏元亨

Wei Yuan Heng (Assayer of the Province)


Collection of the webmaster

          No. Ks10/25


Weight: 357 grams/10- taels


Date: N/A


Inscriptions: 百色/百色

Bai Ser (District)


Collection of the webmaster

This is a specimen attributed to Bei Liu (北流), according to the terminology used in the Ching Dynasty. Bei Liu is a predecessor of all the Square Troughs circulated in Kuangtung and Kuangsi and was popular before the Chien Lung Period (1736-1795), after which it evolved into Square Trough type. 

More details are provided in "A Study on Square Troughs of the Southern Provinces During the Ching Dynasty"(清代南方諸省方鏪考)

No. Ks10/26


Weight: 364 grams/10- taels


Date: 1892 A.D.


Inscriptions: 平樂府/光緒年/ 日/賀縣

Ping Ler Prefecture

Kuang Hsu 18th Year

The 2nd Month Day

Her County

Assaying chops: 李亨利

Li Heng Li (Assayer of the Province)


Collection of the webmaster

A tax silver submmited to the provincial Board of Revenue from "Her County", by way of its superior administration "Ping Ler Prefecture". This is one of the two Later Types of Kuangsi Official Square Troughs appeared since the mid of the Kuang Hsu period.

More details are provided in  "A Study on Square Troughs of the Southern Provinces During the Ching Dynasty"(清代南方諸省方鏪考)  

No. Ks10/27


Weight: 10 taels


Date: N/A.


Inscriptions: 祥珍

Hsiang Zhen (The silver shop)

Assaying chops: 祥珍

Hsiang Zhen  (The assayer)


Seen in trade

A type cast during the periods of Tong Tze and Kuang Hsu in Kuangsi for or from an opium trade. 

More details are provided in  "A Study on Square Troughs of the Southern Provinces During the Ching Dynasty"(清代南方諸省方鏪考)  

No. Ks10/28

Weight: 403 grams/10+ taels


Date: 1840 A.D.


Inscriptions: 道光二十年/象州/二月日/黃致祥

Xiang District

The 20th Year of Tao Kuang

The 2nd Month

Huang Zhi Xiang (the smith)


Collection of the webmaster

More information...

More details are provided in  "A Study on Square Troughs of the Southern Provinces During the Ching Dynasty"(清代南方諸省方鏪考)  

No. Ks10/29

Weight: 10 taels


Date: 1850 A.D.


Inscriptions: 道光三十年/梧州府/五月 日/黃致祥

WuZhou Prefecture

The 30th Year of Tao Kuang

The 5th Month

Huang Zhi Xiang (the smith)


Collection of C.F. Liu

No. Ks10/30

Weight: 10 taels


Date: 1820 A.D.


Inscriptions: 嘉慶二十五年/武緣縣/四月日/江興泰

Wu Yuan County

The 25th Year of Jia Ching

The 4th Month

Jiang Hsin Tai (the smith)


Collection of C.F. Liu


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