Yunnan Big Rectangle#2

          No. Ybr/11


Weight: 374 grams/10 taels


Date: 1832 A.D.


Inscriptions: 道光十二年/(石咢)嘉/銀匠羅中直


The 12th Year of Tao Kuang

Er Jia (Place name)

Silversmith Lo Zhong Ji




(石咢)嘉-"Er Jia" was a name of a county which was outlawed and merged into Nan-An District in the 8th year of Kangsi.(1669 A.D.)   清史稿地理志楚雄府曰:「康熙八年省(石咢)嘉縣入南安」, 即今雙柏縣南部地. (方國瑜著, <<中國西南歷史地理考釋>>, 下冊, 頁824


The feature of the back of this piece articulates that Yunnan Square might have been under the influence of  Square Trough which was circulated in the neighboring provinces such as Kuangtung and Kuangsi. 


Collection of the webmaster 

No. Ybr/12


Weight: 370 grams/10 taels


Date: N.A


Inscriptions: 蒙化課/銀匠徐光


Tax of Mon-Hua District

Silversmith Hsu Kuang




Collection of the webmaster

No. Ybr/13


Weight: 670 grams/18 taels


Date: 1858 A.D.


Inscriptions: 他郎廳/李春/咸豐八年/李春


Ta Lang District

Li Chun (smith)

The 8th Year of Hsien Feng




Collection of C. F. Liu


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